Wednesday, May 28, 2008

36 Custom Textures







Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Draft Meeting Space

The meeting space is just a plain draft and not finish yet but my emphasis towards it was creating the meeting space with a dining table which is not there yet, a combination of both clients ideas of power and motives of there career to set out there differences in this space providing the strong light from above them so they can be on the same level and aviod there own light in there power of work they undertake. Clients are Steve Jobs red and Zhang Yin is cyan (blue) which the corridors or hallways indicate the access to the meeting space from getting off there own elevators.

Draft Office of Steve Jobs

This office is an ongoing development of Steve Jobs environment based on my perspective drawing and it relates to my mashup of powers of ideas and strategy. The two levels indicate level of power in sales in marketing as they involve computers, Steve sells which I've shown the exterior walls shape patterns indicating various types and his strategy in his idea of power and gain changes in different postions as I've shown in the workspace office. I thought I make an office look like an office Steve could work in based on his motives in work and power!

Draft Office and Elevator of Zhang Yin

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Draft Elevator Animation and Screenshots of Steve Jobs

This animation is to show the rotation movement of the elevator as it goes to one space environment to another space environment which would show in the developed UT4 environment movers which I havent done yet! But this elevator is an idea I'm considering on working for the final developed model!

Week 2: 18 Two-Point Perspectives

Monday, May 12, 2008

First UT4 Model Screenshots

These are the original perspective drawings related to the constructed UT4 model. The 3 different viewpoints are of the same one-piont perpective drawing.

The colour seems to be a bit extreme, but I thought I'd experiment a bit with radical colours because it's not my final model yet!